Coronavirus Response

As of March 16th 2020, all eHACCP employees are working from home and are available for support related matters.

Food manufacturers strictly following recognized food safety plans are some of the safest environments. Our food supply is healthy and will continue to provide the product to the people who depend upon them.

We pray that you, your family, loved ones, colleagues and everyone is healthy, safe and take appropriate measures to help ensure the limited spread and inevitable end to the coronavirus.

Our online HACCP courses are solid and up and running. Our servers remain maintained and tested for redundancy and continuity.

As a gesture of goodwill and understanding eHACCP has reduced the price, by 50%, for both Certified HACCP for Food Processors and Certified HACCP for Fresh Produce Industries courses. This price reduction will last as long as any quarantine measures are enacted within North America directly related to the Covid-19 epidemic.

For any additional information, questions, comments or concerns please email or phone (866) 488-1410.

Again, we pray that you, your family, loved ones, colleagues and everyone is healthy, safe and taking appropriate measures to help ensure the limited spread and inevitable end to the coronavirus.