Certified HACCP & Food Safety Auditor Course

HACCP Auditor Badge

Identify noncompliance issues and pass 3rd party audits. Auditor training and certification for HACCP and food safety management systems. SQF, BRC, Primus, HARPC, FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000).

IHA Logo 2024


  • Students are required to have a valid HACCP certification prior to enrollment.
  • Students are expected to have prior knowledge and or working experience in Food Industry or related industries


  • What is a HACCP/Food Safety System Audit? – History, relevance, definitions.
  • The Fundamentals of a HACCP Audit – Reviewing, evaluating, and testing.
  • Introduction to ISO 19011:2018 – Guidelines for auditing management systems
  • Managing an Audit Program – Develop a comprehensive audit schedule.
  • Aspects of the Auditor – Integrity, Independence, Objectivity, etc.
  • The Seven Steps of a HACCP Audit – Announcement, planning, opening meeting, review & testing, closing meeting, reporting, and follow-up.
  • Initiating the Audit – Developing an audit strategy to realize the objectives.
  • Undertaking the Document Review – Records of the planning and performance of the work, the procedures performed, evidence obtained, and conclusions reached by the auditor.
  • Preparing for the Audit Review – Understanding the purpose and scope of the audit.
  • Conducting Audit Activities – Assigning, conducting opening meetings, communicating, etc.
  • Preparing the Audit Report – The introductory paragraph describes the scope and objectives of the audit, summarizes the findings, and provides the auditor’s opinion.
  • Completing the Audit – Objective evidence to support the overall findings of the audit.
  • Conducting Follow-Ups – Verify that the recommendations have been implemented effectively. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Conduct thorough reviews of food safety systems and processes.
  • Carry out both process and procedural or clause assessments.
  • Act as an efficient auditor.
  • Select an audit team and assess their effectiveness.
  • Prepare thoroughly for the audit.
  • Carry out the assigned process audits efficiently.
  • Assess the findings along with assessing compliance, non-compliance, and areas for improvement effectively.
  • Lead opening and closing meetings and document the audit results and non-compliance issues.
  • Efficiently track the results of the audits.
  • Examine HACCP and other food safety plans and systems to determine where and why noncompliance issues occur.


  • Each of the 12 modules has a pool of questions related to the subject matter taught
  • The module questions are optional, and the results do not count toward the final grade
  • There is a final exam consisting of 24 questions pulled randomly from the modules
  • Each exam is unique


  • Live support
  • Bookmarking
  • Mobile / Responsive
  • SCORM compliant
  • 1-year access
  • Over 200 templates and other documentation
  • A certification attesting your completion of 15 hours of HACCP Auditor training